Job Description
- Manage information technology and computer systems
- Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of information systems and electronic data processing (EDP)
- Develop and implement policies and procedures for electronic data processing and computer systems operations and development
- Meet with managers to discuss system requirements, specifications, costs and timelines
- Hire and manage information systems personnel and contractors to design, develop, implement, operate and administer computer and telecommunications software, networks and information systems
- Control the computer systems budgets and expenditures
- Ensure technology is accessible and equipped with current hardware and software
Main Activities
- Troubleshoot hardware, software and network operating system
- Be familiar with all hardware and software
- Be familiar with network operating system
- Provide orientation to new users of existing technology
- Train staff about potential uses of existing technology
- Train staff about new and potential use
- Provide individual training and support on request
- Provide recommendations about accessing information and support
- Maintain current and accurate inventory of technology hardware, software and resources
How to Apply
send cv to